A C EAchieve, Create, Enjoy


Welcome to the Parents, Teachers and Friends Association for Twyning School.
Our main objectives are:
To raise money through a wide range of activities to help the School fund additional items. We set aside funds specifically for each teacher to purchase items to enhance individual classrooms,
To support the staff by providing assistance and refreshments at school events,
To provide a further opportunity for parents and friends to contribute to the school community.
 PTFA Events
The PTFA organise the Christmas and Summer Fetes. These events have both become a well-loved and eagerly anticipated part of the school year. The whole school is involved with classes hosting topical stalls or providing entertainment. The fetes are always a huge success raising large profits for the school.
We hold regular discos, which are always popular, and we provide refreshments at most school events, i.e. Harvest festival, Leavers Assembly, Easter Assembly.
We also arrange regular donations of clothes etc to the Bag 2 School scheme, where parents are given an empty bag to fill with unwanted clothes, shoes etc. The bags are collected at school by the Charity who weigh each bag and give us a donation per Kg. 
What is the money raised spent on?
Twyning School PTFA make a regular donation of £250 per year, direct to each class. This enables the class teacher to buy exactly what he or she needs to enhance the children’s learning and experience in the classroom. The teachers have found this really works well and has been a great help.
We are also committed to paying for the coaches used to transport the whole school to The Roses Theatre/ Malvern Theatre every Christmas, to see the Pantomime. This is always an enjoyable trip which, without the help of the PTFA, this cost of £400.00 would have had to be passed on to the parents over and above the cost of the ticket.
In the past, we have contributed generously towards the Computing Suite, provision of laptops and software. Most recently helping the school to fund iPads. This has enabled the school to bring its ICT department up to date and to enhance learning for all our children.
The PTFA also contributed money and manpower, when the secret garden was built, this has proved to be a beautiful and rewarding improvement to the school grounds. The grounds are an area requiring constant improvement, and we are currently looking into how the PTFA can contribute to improving the top field.
Be part of the PTFA team at Twyning School
Being a member of the PTFA will give you lots of pleasure and enhance your family’s relationship with the school.  Mums and Dads, Staff, friends and family all combine as individuals to form a friendly school community that strive to achieve our objectives.
Whether you are a Year 6 parent in the final year at the school, or a new parent just joining.  Everyone is made welcome at any stage through their involvement with the school and it is never too late to get involved.  You decide how much time you are able to give to specific activities and you’ll be well supported by the experienced members of the committee. We are always on the lookout for new members and welcome your support as well as new and fresh ideas to achieve our goals.
How to contact your PTFA
The easiest way to contact us is to leave a message with the school Office and a PTFA member will contact you. We look forward to hearing from you!

Let's Connect

Twyning School

Twyning School

Miss Lucy Gladstone

01684 293577 [email protected]

Our Awards

Ofsted Good Provider 2018 CEOP Report Logo